Overview – Ngorongoro Crater

Ngorongoro Conservation Area is home to dense bushland and the popular Ngorongoro Crater, a striking caldera shaped after the breakdown of an enormous volcano, one of the superb attractions of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Often referred to as one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Africa, the Ngorongoro Crater is home to rich wildlife including the Big Five, and it's become one of the best destinations to head on a wildlife safari. Because of its restricted size, a couple of days will be adequate.

  • Wildlife29 animals

  • High SeasonJune to September

  • Best Time to GoThroughout the year

Pros & Cons

  • Top wildlife viewing throughout the year
  • The black rhino is effortlessly seen
  • Eminent for spotting Big 5 animals
  • Staying on the crater rim offers incredible views into the crater
  • Cultural visit to a Masai town is accessible
  • Amazing mid-reach and extravagance lodges on the crater rim
  • Due to its small size, The crater becomes exceptionally crowded consistently
  • Entrance to the crater is very expensive

Ngorongoro Crater Map in Africa

Ngorongoro Crater Safari Reviews

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Wildlife & Animals – Ngorongoro Crater

Around 120 types of mammals are recorded in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. The two fundamental regions for game-viewing, aside from the crater, are the short-grass fields west of the Gol Mountains, northwest of Ngorongoro Crater, and the surroundings of Lake Ndutu close to the border with Serengeti National Park. The two areas become the feeding and breeding ground for over 2 million animals during the rainy season as they support the great annual wildebeest migration that spans the Serengeti ecosystem. The two regions become the feeding and breeding place for more than 2 million animals during the rainy season as they support the great yearly wildebeest migration that traverses the Serengeti environment.

Wildlife Highlights

Between the crater rim and floor, it is possible to see all of the big five at Ngorongoro Crater. It is also the best place to visit endangered black rhinos. It's also a home for impressive elephant bulls with huge tusks. Giraffes can't be spotted from the crater floor as the banks of the caldera are too steep for them to ascend but can be spotted around the rim. Black-backed and golden jackals are equally common in the crater and the density of spotted hyenas is quite extraordinary. Lake Magadi often harbours large flocks of flamingos.

Best Time for Wildlife Viewing

Ngorongoro Crater can be visited year-round for wildlife viewing. During the Dry season from June to October, the lake can transform into an enormous white salt bed. The annual wildebeest migration also passes by the crater highlands from December to March. The scenery of the crater is most picturesque in the Wet season, from November to May, but at that time the grass might be long in places.

Birds – Ngorongoro Crater

The Ngorongoro Crater is a bird watcher's heaven with over 500 species recorded ranging from annual migrants from Europe and Asia, grassland birds, sandy-grounds nestling birds, tree nestling birds, birds of prey and water birds. Most noticeable are Ostriches, Kori bustards, Secretary birds, Grey-crowned Cranes, the ground nestling Northern Anteater Chat, Rufous-napped Lark, Capped Whater, Fischer's Sparrow lark, Red-capped Lark and the Grassland Pipit. Migratory birds are present from November to April.

Best Time for Bird Watching

Ngorongoro Crater can be visited year-round for birding, from November to April migratory birds from Europe and northern Africa are present, and many resident birds are in breeding plumage. This makes it the best time for bird watching. The best time to watch wildlife is during the Dry season, which is from June to October.

Best Time to Visit – Ngorongoro Crater

Ngorongoro Crater can be visited all year. During the wet season from November to May, you'll be astonished by the lavish view that covers the crater. During the dry season from June to September, wildlife can be spotted very easily.

  • Best Time

    June to September

  • High Season

    Throughout the year

  • Low Season

    April and May

  • Best Weather

    June to October

  • Worst Weather

    March and April

June to October (Dry Season)

  • Animals are easier to spot as they congregate near freshwater sources
  • It is sunny, and there is little rain
  • Fewer mosquitoes and less chance of catching malaria
  • Mornings and nights can be cold
  • Very crowded during this season

June to October (Wet Season)

  • Amazing wildlife experience even during the wet season
  • Birding is best as migratory birds are present
  • The clear skies from December through February
  • The scenery is beautiful and at its most lush
  • It is cold during the nights and mornings, so it is important to pack warm clothing
  • March to April is the peak of the Wet season

Safari Reviews – Ngorongoro Crater

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