Dust Absolut Safaris



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  • Tour Types :

    Safari/tours, educational, cultural, hiking, treks, beach holidays, honeymoon, fishing, photography, Mountain climbing
  • Destinations :

    Kenya Rwanda Uganda
  • Owner-managed and operated, we are a team of reliable, dedicated and experienced safari planners always eager to craft unique life-changing journeys tailored just for you. We work with local guides that have lived their lives, and supported their families through guiding. Our desire is to share a piece of Uganda and East Africa with the rest of the world in its purest of nature. Culture, Conservation, and Community are the bedrock of our work as we provide outstanding travel experiences for our clients.

We not only plan your holiday for you, we ensure the experience is absolutely life-changing. This is done by taking care of every aspect for your next Safari through a booking process. Booking Process for Dust Absolut Safaris We strive to have a simple and satisfying process, as we help each other along the way. A. preliminary consultation This is the first stage, and in it we discuss and plan your ideal Safari/Trip. Details such as - Where would you like to go? is there a particular reason as to why? have you got any must-know specifications? Are captured before we move on to the next step. B. We go ahead to design your itinerary that could be incrementally refined or fine-tuned tour your final taste. For our guests that already have an itinerary in mind, we just start by designing and pricing for you. C. Book your trip D. Make final arrangements to travel, then travel with us Lastly, feedback time In order to improve our services, we would like to know how the Safari went.