Overview – Nsumbu National Park

Liuwa Plain offers extremely occasional wildlife viewing. The pattern here is something contrary to most parks. Animals relocate to the fields to remain during the Wet season, from November to May. The plain becomes inaccessible after substantial rains yet adventure seekers can in any case visit by limiting activities to walking and canoeing as it were. The best time to visit is after the first rain in November. December is additionally great, however as the season advances, tracks disintegrate. One more fun chance to visit is in May and June toward the finish of the Wet season, and before the animals retreat.

  • Wildlife8 Animals

  • High SeasonNever Busy

  • Best Time to GoJuly to October

Pros & Cons

  • Limited area and very remote park
  • Fishing, Snorkeling, Waterskiing and Scuba Diving are available
  • Extremely beautiful park on the shore of Lake Tanganyika
  • Limited wilderness appeal
  • Single exclusive lodge is available outside the park
  • Getting to the park is expensive and quite difficult

Nsumbu National Park Map in Africa

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Wildlife & Animals – Nsumbu National Park

Even though wildlife numbers have declined, there is as yet a wide scope of wildlife species present in the Park and numbers are recuperating. Roan, sable, eland, hartebeest as well as buffalo and zebra and every so often elephant, lion and leopard can be spotted. Bushbuck, warthog and puku are regularly incessant in the seashores. Bushbuck, puku and warthog frequent the seashores also, while eland, roan and sable adhere to the hills. Other species seen here are the spotted hyena, side-striped jackal, serval, impala, waterbuck and reedbuck. 

Wildlife Highlights

The rare blue duiker, a little woodland antelope, is one of the Parks specialities, alongside the modest, swamp-dwelling sitatunga. This side of the Lake is abounding with crocodiles, so swimming is clearly not an option. They can reach up to six meters long. Hippos regularly arise around evening time around the lodges to ‘mow’ the grass. Besides the Nile crocodile, the endangered slender-snouted crocodile can sometimes be spotted as well.

Best Time for Wildlife Viewing

Nsumbu National Park can be visited all year round as it's a very small park with limited wildlife viewing options. However, the best time to visit the park is during the dry season from July to November when water is inadequate and animals gather to drink. At this time the vegetation is also thinner making sightings easier. 

Birds – Nsumbu National Park

Birdlife in the park is as yet productive with many migrants descending from East Africa and up from Southern African areas. The flamingo is one of the more staggering migrants. Some of the lakeshore occupants incorporate the skimmer, spoonbill, and whiskered tern alongside various storks, ducks and herons. Commonly experienced species around the Lake incorporate the grey-headed gull, lesser black-supported gull, white-winged black tern, whiskered tern, African skimmer, and obviously the ubiquitous fish eagle. The palm nut vulture and Pels fishing owl are likewise sometimes seen.

Best Time for Bird Watching

Nsumbu National Park offers a great birding experience throughout the year. However, the best time to visit is during the wet season from November to April. It is also the time when migratory birds are available and a lot of birds can be seen in breeding plumage. 

Best Time to Visit – Nsumbu National Park

Wildlife will in general gather around the lake and rivers (the last remains of water sources) from July to October the middle and end of the Dry season. These are the best wildlife viewing months, as vegetation likewise disperses giving more clear sightings.

  • Best Time

    July to October

  • High Season

    Never Busy

  • Low Season

    Never Busy

  • Best Weather

    April to August

  • Worst Weather

    October to March

May to October (Dry Season)

  • Better wildlife viewing opportunities in this season
  • It is sunny, and there is little rain
  • Fewer mosquitoes and less chance of catching malaria
  • The sky is hazy with a lot of dust in the air
  • The weather is extremely hot in October

May to October (Wet Season)

  • Birding is best as migratory birds are present
  • The scenery is beautiful and at its most lush
  • Few wildife viewing opportunities as compare to Dry season
  • Rain can interfere with lake activities
  • Roads become impassable and difficult to drive from January to April
  • Extreme Hot and Humid climate

Activities – Nsumbu National Park

Safari Reviews – Nsumbu National Park

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